Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Zoe's Tooth

As I was tickling the dickens out of Zoe tonight, she opened her mouth nice and wide for a huge giggle and there it was! A brand new molar. Her first one! Since we're getting ready to move and I've been so stressed over everything it was so nice to get excited about something... exciting! Non-parents may not understand, hell parents may not understand, but for my little doodlebug to get her first molar was a big deal. We've been doing all the big girl things lately. She's been sitting at the dinner table in her toddler seat, we've been going to swimming lessons (another rant all together) and she walks most places. This is just another step in her getting SO much bigger. She's been waking up at night needing some Mommy love to go back to sleep and I thought it was due to stress about moving, or the cold we've both been fighting, but now I wonder if it was all just because she wanted a cuddle while her tooth came in. My little girl is getting SO big!